Monday, March 9, 2009

The kid is still making me smile....

I had said to myself I would jot down what M says to me, so I can look back and smile someday in the future. I slacked. So I am trying to get back at it again...and here's one for my record...

Last week I had a minor fall and injured my tailbone quite badly. I guess at my age, all falls should be considered major :) It hurt a lot, esp. after a day, and I was seen hobbling around the house to quiet amusement of the family. So when D asked me to look at something that would take me up the stairs, I suggested it be brought down to me, as I was nursing a 'broken butt'. My 4-year old nearby looked at me with this grin on her face and said, 'Amma, you know the broken butt has a name, it is called butt crack'. I was in pain and shock at the same time!



Ha, Ha, Ha...jolly good!

Anonymous said...

This is SJ here doing my monthly rounds of friends' blogs. Needless to say that severely "crack"ed me up! Shall we say the low-riders come home to roost!